Fightings on Rhône at BASSY
The German threat had been growing for several days on the Upper Rhône, where the enemy wanted to seize the bridges in order to cross the Rhône.

1st Platoon, 26th company, Infantry Detachment 144, commanded by Officer Cadet Jourdan, had been holding the village of Bassy since 20 June, with support from 179 Fortress Alpine Battalion (BAF).
The village overlooked the Rhône, offering views on the right bank, the river and the communication routes Bellegarde- Culoz.
On 22 June morning, alerted by the noise of motorized vehicles advancing on the right bank, OC Jourdan informed Seyssel of the arrival of the Germans and opened fire on the vehicles of 3 Battalion, 93 Infantry Regiment (IR/93), with automatic weapons and mortars and added machine guns fire of 3rd Coy, 189 BAF, set up between Bassy and Métrals, stopping the convoy and causing considerable damage.
The Germans retaliated with mortars, then with three 105 mm artillery pieces installed towards Corbonod, which bombarded the village, the surrounding area and the positions of the entrenched platoon around the church.
At noon, the fighting stopped, the Germans withdrew and regrouped towards Gignez, still harassed by the platoon automatic weapons.